
How do they make cotton candy?

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I was at the county fair a few days ago, and I just thought to myself, "I wonder how they make pure liquid sugar turn into cotton candy?"

So, how do they do it?




  1. They churn and turn it using high pressure air, which condences the liquid into a cotton form=) hope this helped!


    try looking on wikipedia that thing has everything

  3. i don't know if its liquid but when i made it we just put like coloured and flavoured sugar into the machine and it spins it kinda like a web and then it goes all fluffy, and YUM!

  4. I have a cotton candy machine :D

    The sugar is put into a receptical in the center, where it's heated until it liquifies.  It then shoots out of little holes along the outside of the receptical, where cool air cools it, and the 'strings' of liquid sugar get mixed with air and 'solidify' into cottony goodness.

    I love my machine but it takes forever to heat up to the right temperature, and the sugar receptical is hard to clean.  And it stinks if there's burnt sugar in it!

  5. The machine used to make cotton candy consists of a small bowl into which sugar is poured and food coloring added. Heaters near the rim melt the sugar and it is spun out through tiny holes where it solidifies in the air and is caught in a large metal bowl. The operator of the machine twirls a stick, a cone, or their hands around the rim of the large catching bowl, gathering the candy into portions. Modern cotton candy machines work in very much the same way as older ones.

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