
How do they make the shakes kinda like braums shakes?? i want to make a shake like that?

by  |  earlier

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ive made alot of shakes before but then never come out like when you go to the restaurants like i follow the recipes but theyre very milky so what should i do?




  1. put your ice cream in, put a tsp or so of vanillia in and then your mil dont put in to much milk thats y your shakes are runny or thin. the vanillia will make it takes like a restraunts

  2. It Obvious That Your Adding To Much Milk Or Not Enough Ice Cream. Keep In Mind That If Your Following A Recipe From A Restaurant More Than Likely They Aren't Telling U Everything Because If Everyone Figured Out How To Make Their EXACT Shakes Why Would They Buy Them There? U Do In fact Need To Use Less Milk Or More Ice Cream (I Love A Lot Of Ice Cream So I Would Put More Of That) But Make It As Thick As U Want Or As Milky As U Want And Don't Follow The Instructions Completely Its All About What YOU Like. Hope This Helped :)

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