
How do they name cyclones?

by Guest33112  |  earlier

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How do they name cyclones?





  2. The national weather services of countries that get hurricanes, tropical cyclones or typhoons submit lists of names to the World Meteorological Organisation which approves them. The names are supposed to reflect the ethnic make-up of the country involved. The lists of names are published and each warning centre has its own list. If a storm forms in their area, they get to name it.

    Most countries submit names of people, alternating male and female. Thirteen countries affected by typhoons have combined names for their list but they also use names of flowers and other non-human names. The first country to use male and female names alternating was Australia in 1975. By 1979 the rest of the world had followed suit.

    Tropical revolving storms in the Atlantic and the American eastrn Pacific are called Hurricanes. In the South China Sea (west Pacific) they are Typhoons. In the South Pacific and in the Indian Ocean they are Tropical Cyclones.

    If you want to see the lists of names around the world, look here:

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