
How do they perform a tongue piercing?

by  |  earlier

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My friend told me that when they perform a tongue piercing, they burn off that line of skin or musclue or whatever it is on the bottom of your tongue. Do they really do that?

What if you have a fairly long tongue??




  1. i don't know

  2. lol thats a lie

    lol if ound this video


    i dnt know hoo's it is but u get to see how its done =];...

  3. no no no they do not!

    and if you have a long tounge it wont matter lol.

    you use mouthwash there,

    they tell you what there going ot do and how to upkeep it.

    Then they put a clamp on youre tounge (the most painful part people say)

    then they quickly put the needle threw.

    then they change it to a tounge ring.

  4. No they don't do that.

    Basically, you swill some mouth wash. Most places will numb  the tongue.

    Then you will see the piercer clean their hands, put on gloves, clean the area /equipment etc. then they will place a dot with a pen on your tongue, to indicate where it will be pierced. Then they apply the clamp to the tongue, put the needle in, and then the jewerlly .

  5. No, they dont do that.

    They'll probably make you wash with mouthwash, then they'll mark where they think the piercing should go, and if you approve they will clamp, pierce, and send you on your way.

  6. your friend was probably just trying to scare you, they never do that..your friend is crazy!

    everything is completely sterile and the piercer will have you swish some numbing mouth wash. they will have you stick your tongue out and then they use a clamp which doesnt hurt just to make sure your tongue stays out so they can pierce it properly. they will use a marker and make a little black dot where you are to be pierced.  The needle goes on and with me, I didnt even feel it. They keep it there about five or ten seconds while they get the barbell and balls situated and voila! DONE!  It is muchhhhh better if you have a long tongue...a lot easier for the piercer !

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