
How do they photograph Surfers in a Tube??

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When these kind of shots are taken, they are looking straight done the end of the wave tube, which runs parallel with the shore, so how do they get the angle




  1. There must be another surfer in the tube with them, filming them. Now that takes talent!

  2. Hi

    With great difficulty

  3. they are masters in their job n the camere they using is water proof camera.

  4. There are a couple of different ways.  Some photographers are on jetskis.  Others are actually in the water where the break is (the very close-up shots in tubes are done this way, especially the ones looking up at the surfer) and some are taken with telephoto lenses from the beach.

    I think you're asking about the swimmers though.  If you watch any of the newer surfing DVDs like Step Into Liquid or Riding Giants they have some shots of cameramen in the extras.

  5. The photographers are in the water also. They use specially made waterproof cameras, swim out to the break, and take the photos.

  6. they mount the cameras on the backs of sharks and bribe the sharks with a big payout (usually a bucket of fish).

  7. Hi. Surf photography has become a really big business. Shots that are taken from the water are taken most often by photographers on jet skis, out in the line up. Shots that are taken inside the wave are usually taken by photgraphers who have a lot of experience with the way waves break, and they know how to pop up out of the water at the right moment to get their shot. THEY DEFINITELY WEAR FINS, to provide them with the momentum and control they need in that kind of break.  Also, there have been shots taken, like self portraits, by a little camera that is placed on the nose of the board.

    Hope this helps.

  8. They are very difficult to get and are often taken from the beach with a long lens camera. Right place, right time - as with everything!

  9. with a camera

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