
How do they regulate how many shares must a company have in the stock market...?

by  |  earlier

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I don not understand this, about stakes, if I have a company I could sell a million stakes and make a big capital, or how is it?




  1. Firstly you arrive at a valuation for your company. This could be on the basis of asset value or future earnings. This might be based on a comparable company already listed. Say the industry  standard is a p/e of 8 then you multiply your current earnings by 8 to establish a value based on earnings. Lets say tthis gives a valuation of £5m for yyour company. The brokers bringing your company to the market might suggest a valuation of £4.5m due to market conditions or whatever. So you then offer 1/2 of the company in a public offer or placing. The broker may suggest a  small price might be the best plan to attract private investors, say around 50p. So you are raising £2.5m at 50p That's 5m shares going to the market.  You can juggle around with these figures; How much money does the comnpany need to raise? What percentage are the current owners willing to sell?

  2. The more shares the lower the value of the stock. It would be better for your company to sell 1,000 shares of stock for $10 a share , then to sell 10,000 shares for $1 each.

    Supply and demand affect the price of your shares.

  3. There is no regulation about how many shares a company can issue.  The number of shares is not really that important.  1 million shares at 100 is the same amount of capital as 10 million shares at 10.

    If you had a company, you could indeed sell a million shares at $100 each and get $100,000,000, but only if you could find buyers.  People don't buy shares to own pieces of paper.  They buy to own a piece of a worthwhile company.

  4. Each exchange has set the minimum stock that a company has outstanding for listing.

    Before you're company is listed is must be a publically traded firm.  

    It would be better if you do it the correct way.Get yourself a securities lawyer and they will hold you hand in getting to your goal.   You're not going to get here at Yahoo or any other media such as this.

  5. Here is an excellent site with some wonderful options for you to double your stock!

    <---  Enjoy!

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