
How do they score points on the world surfing championship?

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This is people like Andy Irons and Kelly Slater. I have always watched it but can anyone tell me how the scoring is done?




  1. Most ASP contests use the following judging criteria:

    Gleaning valuable data from free-wheeling events such as the Foster's Expression Sessions and Kelly Slater's Fiji experimental event, Perry and other members of ASP's Technical Committee, including WCT surfers, set out to free up the criteria with the dual objectives of further rewarding progressive surfing and introducing a reward system based on demonstrating variety of repertoire and linking maneuvers together, still in the critical sections of the`wave, in a seamless flow of power and speed. The results should be extraordinary, check it out;

    "A surfer must perform radical controlled maneuvers in the critical section of a wave with Speed, Power and Flow to maximize scoring potential. Innovative / Progressive surfing as well as Variety of Repertoire ( maneuvers ),will be taken into consideration when rewarding points for waves ridden. The surfer who executes this criteria with the maximum Degree of Difficulty and Commitment on the waves shall be rewarded with the higher scores."

    Scale Base:

    [ 0 - 2: Poor ]  [ 2 - 4: Fair ]  [ 4 - 6: Average ]  [ 6 - 8: Good ]   [ 8 - 10: Excellent ]

  2. It depends on how good you do, like if you fall more than two times, they will deduct points. They give you 10 points from the beginning but if you do badly, they will just take points away.

    but if you do good, they keep your regualr score from the beggining

    i sometimes watch the surfing channel on direct t.v.

  3. You get three points for completing the trick you attempt, two points if you last for a minute, one point if you fall off but look good doing it, no points if you just suck eggs...

    Getting eaten by a shark is a quick 50 points...

  4. will first they hold up points like 10 9 or watever. Then they add them all up. will that is wat they said in hawaii.

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