
How do they support their 18 children in British Columbia?

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Does the father work 18 hours a day?? He said he lets God decide how many children they should have. Surly s*x drive didn't have any thing to do with it.




  1. They get $100.0 per month per child under six.  They will also get what is called the baby bonus...but that will be based on the father's income as to what he gets every month.  ITs not handouts at all.  I make 35000.00 per year, and I get $186.00 per month for my son.

  2. It's crazy!!!

  3. Oh, that is crazy!! I have 9 of my own and I am way in over my head here....


  4. they probably get government handouts

  5. Thanks for the link, very neat story.. I like reading on big families.  Who knows how they do it, maybe they were wealthy, maybe they live very frugally.. who knows.   Who cares how many children they have.. I know people say that it's environmentally unfair and blah blah blah.. but i know a lot of families with only one child who produce more garbage and buy more c**p than families with five or six.. i think when you make the choice to have a lot of children you seem to make the choice as well to cut back on the environmentally unfriendly choices too.. used clothing is normal instead of new clothes every couple of months, less toys, less electronics... I definately agree with your statement though... I htink the s*x drive has a lot more to do with it ! she's been pregnant so much of her life... he coulda pulled out a few times!!

  6. My husband and I want no more than 8. 18 would be crazy!

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