
How do they take a sea creature from the ocean to the aquarium?

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I have always wonderd what they use becasue you have to get it from the beach to the aquarium .




  1. in the case of dolphins usually all vehicles involved in the transport carry a water trough large enough for the specimen, a team of biologists and vets give constant supervision to the animal, using hoses toy circulate the water and constantly wet the skin, when switching from one trough to another, they use a stretcher with holes cut for the pectoral fins and carry the animal by hand

  2. Most salt water fish you see in pet stores, are raised in captivity.  

    Zoos and such just have plain jain means... its not as elaborate as you think... a bucket, with some water.....

  3. they put it in a mobile aquarium

  4. with a net

  5. okay, this is pretty long, sorry.  dolphins and such are either saved or tamed.  they dont go around with nets and catch fish since there is a 75 percent chance the fish will die.  they use small nets for less fragile and small fish and then they put them in a small container the size of 2 times your head.  the sharks rays etc. are taken by baiting them and then by puting them in stretchers (you heard right, stretchers).  deep sea fish are carried by using a sub to go deep and use sample tubes to catch jellyfish etc.  the people who get fish from the ocean NEVER USE POISINS because the fish will die very quickly.  also, they use animals from other aquariums if neccesary.

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