
How do they test acne products on animals if animals dont have zits?

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How do they test acne products on animals if animals dont have zits?




  1. There not testing to see if it works there testing to see if its skin reacts badly, eg falling off

  2. They actually force them to ingest it, along with pouring it into their eyes.  Sometimes they even break their skin (cut it) and apply the medication into the wounds.

    That's why their are warnings on medications about ingesting them or applying them to broken skin.

    Although they have tests they can do that do not involve animal testing, some companies are h**l bent on continuing to use cruel ways of testing their products.

  3. they test it on animals to make sure they dont get any infection, or inflamation, then test it on humans too see if it worsens or lessens acne

  4. I believe that they test acne products on animals to see how they react to the chemicals in the product. Watch this video, this might help you understand it better:

    Good luck finding out!

  5. Mostly they test for skin irritation.  If they really wanted to they could probably induce pimples, they regularly induce heart disease, cancers and many other conditions so the experiments are have proper control.

  6. its just testing to make sure its safe to use on humans, just like with makeup- they arent putting eyeshadow on bunnies, they are doing horrible things to the bunnies with the stuff, but its to make sure there isnt some horrible reaction for humans should they get it in their eyes/mouth/under skin

    The research on laboratory animals demonstrating greater or lesser degrees of the abuse liability of drugs/products must be validated with humans; this reduces the likelihood of error in assessing potential risks.

    animals are just the first step.  i mean, if the acne meds turned out to be lethal, they would find that out on the animals first instead of humans

  7. They aren't doing animal testing to see if it cures zits, they're doing it to see if it's harmful, poisonous, etc... If the animals come through unscathed, then they'll do human testing to see if it does what it's supposed to do.

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