
How do throw this party? Turning 15?

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How can i throw a modern Victorian tea party? i dont want it to be boring. i thought we could watch The Phantom of the Opera, drink tea, eat tea foods, and talk. but what else could we do? any decorations ideas? thanks! or should i just go out for dinner and a movie?




  1. Book the whole movie place if you have the money..maybe watching the dark knight or some kind of classy video!!..i believed can request!!


    ur party is boring!

  3. that is a really boring party spice it up. after everyone gets settled having tea make like a song like baby got back come on and surprise everyone with a dance

  4. Make everyone dress up. You can buy some cheap accesories (feather boas, pearls, etc.) from the dollar store and have a photo shoot.

    Here's a link that might be helpful in planning:

    Good luck!

  5. I never heard of that kind of party before..

    Uhm maybe you could have dancing and stuff like that.

    No offense but it kinda sounds a little dull.

  6. For great decoration accessories, and party games... simply visit:

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