
How do train horses to do tricks?

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I want to train my horse to sit and bow and stuff like that but i have no idea how to do that. so can some one please help me!!




  1. Dunno how you teach tricks, but if you do ever learn then I suggest you use a natural horsemanship method, for example Parelli (you can find loads of info about him on the internet). You probaberly got to make a bond of trust between you and your horse first though. See if you can get your horse to follow you round. If you start off in a head collar and clip rope, and when you get to the stage where he follows without you having to pull on the rope, then move on by having a loose rope like a noose around his neck with you holding the other end then eventually take the rope off. I did this with my horse, and she now follows me and comes when I whistle for her (like a dog. lol). Doing stuff like riding bareback/ just in a headcollar and cliprope rather than a bridle will also help you learn to trust the horse.

    I wanst much help with the tricks thing, only with the trust thing but oh well. ;)

  2. no one on here can really tell you.. try going on youtube, finding videos of ppl that do tricks with their horses. and comment theres (as in ask how they taught their horse)

    my advice on teaching a horse to rear tho. first advice :dont do it. it screwed up my friends show horse and my trainer thinks its the bit (she trained him secretly). so when she goes to back up in a show, he rears because she taught him to rear by sliding the halter (probably more like jerking it) on his nose and up he goes.

    so if you decide to, dont make it a leg/hand signal. make it a sound. ive seen ppl go "up up up!" or "get up" or wave there hands like a girly fight


    That's the book I use.  I work with one thing with the whole herd, and once they've mastered that, I move on.  They really seem to like doing it.

  4. Well the best way to get experience and learn is if you research this stuff me you will know alot more stuff then asking people to do it for you....if your going to ask us might as well hire somebody to train your horse for you.

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