
How do treasure baskets fit in with birth to three matters?

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Thnks for answers - but it's not quite what I need to know. It's - exactly which aspect of Birth to 3 framework would you refer to in planning when you plan to use a treasure basket. eg strong child, competent learner etc and why? Thanx




  1. treasure backets are great for children to explore and experiment with simple everyday objects. They help them to learn about textures and their senses. We have many treasure baskets at work and they are very succesful with all our under 2's who use them! they help them to become more confident and understandable of the world

  2. I love tresure baskets, and had such a lovely morning the other morning with my 1 year olds. the children eat else where so whilst they were eating breakfat I set up a large mat and put out a lot of different items, saucapans, vegetavle,s ribbon, cds, pegs, sieve, woodem spoons etc on the mat, only put out 2 other toys on the tble tps, and and when they came in they all grvitated towards the mat and played so well for almost an hour with the activity with no real influence from staff who just let them explore and maybe copied what they were doing. They absolutley loved it and I will definitley be doing it again!

    The below fits into the middle two categories - also try this

    A strong child -

    enjoying being with fammiliar and trusted others,

    being able to contribute to secure relationships

    A skilful communicator -

    Positive relationships

    Being with others

    Influencing others

    Negotiating and making choices

    A Competent learner-

    Finding out about the environment and other people

    becoming playfully engaged and involved

    exploring and re-enacting

    A healthy child-

    developing healthy dependence

    learning about rules

    making descisions

    demonstrating individual preferences

    gaining control of the body

    being active, rested and protected

    Have Fun!

  3. They are valuable for exploration and understanding of the world. Communicaton skills are enhanced as is self esteem because of the praise given during exploration.

  4. I start treasure chest at the age of two. At the age of two when a child gets three stars that child gets a trip to a treasure chest, Once they are three we have a stop light, Each child starts the day on green, when they make a bad choice they have to move their car ( each car has a students name) to the next color. Green to yellow and yellow to red. If that child has moved their car that child can move it up a color for making a good choice. At the end of the day that child will receive a dollar. We took real dollars and photo-copied one side and wrote not legal tender on the blank side of the copy. When a child saves up $5.00 then that child will go to the store. We have a special student store that they can shop in. They can even buy things for Mom and Dad. Most items start really low however we do have much higher items that the student can save up for and may not be able to buy that Item any other way, This teaches all the children the value of money and teaches them how to right their wrongs.

  5. I must live in a different country. I have never heard of treasure baskets??

  6. It depends on age really:

    Skilful Communicator: Do they use any sounds or words to label it? Do they use any descriping words? Facial expressions-smile/frown? Do they use it to represent something else?

    Strong Child: Have they self-chosen the activity? Have they brought  or handed item to you or a friend? etc

    Healthy Child: Are they making their own choices? Are they being safe, knowing boundaries or throwing them around?

    Competent Learner: Well theres loads I could write: are they using it creavitively, imaginatively, to represent something?

    try looking up the Birth To Three site and read the component cards that should give you some more details!

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