
How do trees grow and what are they made of?

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I don't understand how giant, multi-ton trees just sprout out of the ground from tiny seeds. How exactly do they grow so big and where does all that matter come from??? I know it absorbs water with its roots from the ground, but that's not enough to grow a whole tree. Humans are easy to understand because we eat constantly and our body processes food so we can grow, but trees don't. Please help?????????




  1. > "Humans are easy to understand because we eat constantly"

    Actually, we don't, if you think about it. We only eat when it is meal-time and when we have food.

    Plants, OTOH, actually *do* "eat" constantly. Whenever there is light shining on them, they are performing photosynthesis.

    Photosynthesis doesn't just give the plants energy - it "fixes" CO2 from the atmosphere by combining it with water the plants take up in their roots. This CO2 is fixed into sugars; much of the sugars get used by the plant in respiration, and so *do* provide energy, but the sugars are also used in other metabolic processes.

    Plants are mostly composed of cellulose (it is what their cell walls are made of) - and cellulose is a polysaccharide: it is polymerised sugars.

    So plants take water up through their roots, absorb CO2 from the atmosphere, and use them to make the "building blocks" for its cellulose cell walls.

    This *is* enough to grow a whole tree. Remember that trees do not grow overnight - a giant sequoia will be thousands of years old. It has grown little-by-little, absorbing CO2 and building itself up year-by-year.

  2. the chemicals in the soil is also a part of a plants diet, that why you need fertile soil to make plants grow, of course there is bacteria in the soil that take "locked up" chemicals and "unlocks them"

  3. the best way to grow a tree is to plant the seeds under ground and there is a special way to fertilize it. even though it may sound odd the best way to fertilize a tree is to use natural fertilization. after your next bowel movement bag you f***s and put garlic and some fish guts in it and stick is underneath the soil where the seeds are....

    i have personally grown 16 plants like that up to this day

  4. Trees are made of cream cheese...just like the moon

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