
How do turtles mate?

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How do turtles mate?





    The one on top is the male and the one on bottom is obviously the female. His appendage reaches out until it reaches it's destination and he fertilizes her eggs.  Just check out the picture, you'll understand!

  2. Usually, roughly and from the rear. Courtship varies with the species but most males bite at the female's head while they are together.

  3. carefully

  4. First is a courtship process. This varies in species, but often involves things like head-bobbing, push-ups, stroking the female's face, making certain noises (hisses, clucks, etc.- some of the few noises turtles make!), dance-like movements, etc.

    After courtship, the male mounts the female from the rear, getting their tails as close together as possible. Male's tails are longer and slender to help them wrap around and find the correct position. Male bellys (plastons) are in-curved to allow a better 'fit' as well.

  5. ......
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