
How do tv, video games, and movies reinforce society's expectations of gender?

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How do tv, video games, and movies reinforce society's expectations of gender?




  1. The single-dimensioned male and female roles depicted by the media are sappy and unrealistic.


    When a couple are discussing something, they are *always* in the kitchen, doing the dishes by hand.  Even if they are supposedly middle-class.  Now, I ask you:  How many homes still wash dishes by hand?

    When women are alone in the kitchen, they are ALWAYS cutting up vegetables, with a BIG knife!  Few are that stupid.

    There is still that underlying misconception that women are in the kitchen.  Give me a break!  I would love to see a woman sitting in a chair, reading a book, drinking a glass of wine, and the man in the kitchen preparing a meal.  That would be refreshingly real.

    Kids in ads are the worst.  Girls are always playing house, the boys are out doing "action" things.  Rubbish! Girls can be interested in action toys, engineering, and rockets.  Boys can have a doll, and not be considered a sissy.

  2. um, i guess thw more of a guyish game or tv thing it is then society expects guys to be a little more like that, same with girls too i think,  but hey, im no expert

  3. There are so many things that I doubt that they can accomplish any additional reinforcement.

  4. Being a woman gamer, I still get looks when I go to buy games, even though over 41% of gamers are female.  Look at the advertisements for games, action movies and sports programs; they try to appeal to the male gender instead of understanding that women also enjoy them as well.  :)

  5. Its a pretty broad question but I think the images and graphics used in video games, tv and the movies stereotype women as blonde, thin, weak, submissive etc, if they deviate from these then they tend to be evil women and this has a direct impact on women who do not fit into society's ideals as society starts to view them as bad/evil women.

    The same can be said of the male sterotype, men tend to be big, muscular, strong, over-sexed and dominant and those men in our society who don't meet these ideals are typecast as bad or ugly, basically as negative.

    So I think video games, tv and the movies all reinforce societys explanations of gender to a great extent and I think this is happening to a larger degree every year.

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