
How do u ask "May i speak to sanjuana please" in spanish?

by  |  earlier

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just need to kno

she havin a her quince tomorrow morning n i need to call her moms cell

n shes not that good in spanish





  1. ¿puedo hablar  {hab-la} con Sanjuanna, por favor?

  2. Buenos dias, me permite hablar con Sanjuana, por favor?

    bweh-nohs dee-ahs, meh pehr-mee-teh ah-blahr cohn sanjuana pohr fah-vohr?

    And if she asks, De parte de quien?

    you can say, De parte de Vinnie.

    deh parteh deh Vinnie.

  3. se en-cu-entra sanjuana por -favor

  4. "puedo hablar con sanjuana por favor"      [pwe-th(as in moTHer)o ablar con (like cone) sanjuana poor fa-vor (the o like in bore) hope this helps!!! BUENA SUERTE!!!! (good luck)!!!!  

  5. GOOGLE GOOGLE GOOGLE<-----ever heard of it? -

    ¿Puedo hablar con sanjuana por favor    <-------- May i speak to sanjuana please

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