
How do u become a actress or singer?

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everyone i talk to says wow your voice is great... so do u know of anyplace i can go or something? thanks





    get into serious, big youth singing competitions (like the ones that award scholarships or record deals)

    busking, alot of people get noticed busking

    get an agent

    like at my school we have a really big music program so it helps my friend with an amazing voice like she gets to do gigs at some of the gigs the big band do



    yeh get an agent who'll get you some small roles in locally shot shows

    ..but do you want to be in musical theartre or like tv/movie


    don't do american idol, it'll stuff up your career

    if you're a teenager do teen's a good comp in australia but i've heard it's really different and bad in the US

    like don't do the media publicised comps, do the ones that have big important names involved but arent on tv...i'm not too sure what you can do in the US

  2. Assuming you are genuinely talented, it's entirely possible to pursue a career in the arts, though it's often expensive and time-consuming to get started. If you want to do it for fame and fortune, you're probably better off finding something else you're good at and studying that, as you'll have much better odds of success.

    If you want to do the theater thing, just start auditioning for amateur shows until you have the experience you need to make the jump to professional productions. This will likely mean starting out with community theater, which is about as amateur as you can get and no pay, but if you pay attention to how it all comes together and you have some serious talent you'll eventually be able to start doing pro stuff.

    If what you want to do is mainstream music, you'll want to record a demo with four or five songs of original music, and shop it around to local venues and try to land some performance gigs (which will likely be to small crowds and with little to no pay). If you get to the level where you've built up some sort of a following you can start inviting people from some indie labels to come check you out.

    Whatever you do, don't expect to start at the top, no matter how amazingly talented you are. The entertainment industry is just that: an INDUSTRY. You have to start at the bottom of the ladder with entry-level work and earn your way up just like you would have to in any other field. If you walked into the office of a major label or auditioned for a broadway show with little to no professional experience you would likely be laughed out the door.

    Another thing you should really consider if you're serious about this is voice training. Raw talent alone won't get you very far, and a good teacher will help you hone that talent into something that's polished and professional. Make sure you shop around for the teacher that's right for you, though.

    In fact, if you do want to go the theater route, it would behoove you to consider going to college and studying it further. Having a performance degree will make it MUCH easier to find work down the line, both because of the specifics you'll learn in classes and because having a degree listed on your resume shows casting directors that you take your craft seriously.

  3. Just pursue it, perform, perform in any possible play to get seen by as many people possible... You also have to identify a style that you want. A person, group, or company that really make you think "I want to do that". Find a way to practice with their technique (and i said practice, besides study). Practice is finally what will get you on stage in a solid way. Make yourself clear if you want either a JOB or an artistic activity that will make you happy. Being notorious is not necessary being talented, or, even worse, it will make you compromise many ethical things that you might not like to do or act in plays that you dont really like. The commercial circuit not always cross roads with the pure artistic lane, so you have to be focused in what you deeply wish. Welcome! Best of luck!

  4. american idol. You can try finding a modeling agency where you can start from the bottom and work your way up, you can find a theater and play in some plays to help your acting career and they can give you recommendations and you can go to a theater school. Those are just a few options.

  5. Try to get an agent by getting a head shot and resume. They will be looking for experience so make sure that you are in enough musicals or whatever before you get an agent.

  6. well first of all you should be able to sing and/or act. then get an agent and begin to network with people through auditions and such.

  7. Audition for a major label company.

    It's pretty simple, most companies allow mail-in auditions, mail in your demo and if they like it, they will accept you.

    you will probably go on to training then, and then maybe you can debut!

  8. Go find an agent. Usually they're only in bigger cities such as LA, NY or Chicago. Or try out for a show like American Idol.  

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