
How do u become telekinetic?

by Guest10937  |  earlier

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How do u work on becoming telekinetic?




  1. well all of those you cannot you cannot blah blah blah are skeptics, really you can, threw constant meditation,staying healthy and fit,or just being born with it.dont research how to do telekinesis because most sites will say something like try and focus your mind and look at it with energy and that is a bunch of fluff.

  2. there is no such thing as telelkinesis unless you are wearing a hitachi's mind controller, but usually telekineses is just some illusion created by people who want us to believe that it exists.

  3. What? Is pressing a button on a remote too much trouble for you?

    You could get a remote control implanted into your brain if you wanted. That might save you a click or two. If you want to control things from a distance, go into the army.

  4. Let me add to the overwhelming consensus. Nobody can tell honestly you how to become telekinetic, because nobody has the ability. It's never been demonstrated--EVER. There's nothing known about the human brain that would suggest it is even possible. At this point, it is only fantasy and wishful thinking. If someone actually had the ability, we'd know it. It goes without saying that the first person to come forward with such an ability would go down in history, become world famous and wealthy beyond measure. If someone had the demonstrated ability, we'd know it. The attempt to justify why a telekinetic person would never come forward, as some paranormal apologists are wont to do, is just self-serving make-believe which defies well known human nature. Telekinetic claims are made every day as a matter of fact, contradicting the vain attempts at excuses by the paranormal apologists, but of course they are never supported by actual evidence.

  5. You cannot.  It has never been proved that anyone has telekinetic ability despite the most sensitive tests over decades.

    And, it is theoretically very unlikely, too. Physics can measure forces, energy and distances from incredibly small to the immensely large. Humans work in a very narrow band, detecting a small range of the electromagnetic spectrum (light and heat), a small band of atmospheric vibrations (sound), in a narrow temperature range. It is incredibly unlikely that there is some form on unknown energy or force that can be controlled by humans that is not detectable by physical instrumentation.

    Also, how could such a power have evolved? We have organs and senses that are anatomically visible and biochemically understood to carry out all our functions. Where are the organs or cells that carry out telekinesis. What biological advantage does an undetectable power give?

  6. Oh this is easy, listen up because Im going to reveal the secret that every great telekinetic knows and no books in the paranormal section of the bookstore will tell you.

    You can spend a lifetime trying to move stuff with your mind, and it wont happen.

    However, there is this magicians floss which is somewhat strong, and completely invisible under regular indoor lighting. Do not try to use it outdoors, as sunlight destroys the illusion.

    There is a sticky substance that you put on your finger which sticks the string to things, and you run the string through your sleeve and it is controlled by your other hand.

    Professional magicians will ask you to hand them an object to be moved. (no heavier than a silver dollar, thats about the max limit) They will take the object and put it down on the table and when they do, they are sticking the string to it.

    Then they can make the object move just a litte for drama, or make it fly up in the air. There are all kind of cool things you can do with practice.

    This is the trick used by professional illusionists. Notice that they always do this trick indoors, and always touch or place the object before moving it.

  7. you can develop gifts if you already have the seed or core of the gift.  if not, you cannot develop it.  it is a gift.

  8. The only telekinesis that really works involves taking the phone and ordering a pizza.  Someone will do as you requested.

    Honestly now, do not waste time trying to gain totally non existing capabilities, especially if someone offers courses or sells books about it; all they want is your money.

  9. On yahoo news today they were doing a story out of japan about a "brain machine" It is worn on your head, then it connects to the object depending on when it detects your brin doing the right calculations. Kind of niffty actually.

  10. It's easy!!!

    You invent a device that electronically reads your brain activity and performs tasks based on that.

  11. Telekinesis is possible because everything is part of each other and connected to each other in a deep way. Telekinesis has infinite possibilities when used properly and for the evolution of energy and the universe. When true telekinesis is used for wrong purposes, there will obviously be negative consequences. This may seem a bit crazy but many cultures believe in it. Most of the time telekinesis is a simple trick or entertaining game as you already know =o). Well, Someone who truly has telekinetic abilities has more important things to do then make money or go on jerry Springer.

    Telekinetic energy is basic energy working in a different way. Remote controls for TV are possible and a science ... why shouldn't other forms of remote control (like telekinesis) be real? Well, they are. Telekinesis is one of the rarest psychic power because you must fully understand the universe to work with such a complex energy. Telekinesis is not control, it is communication and being one with the individual or object you are being at one with. You can sit somewhere for the rest of your life trying to achieve it but you won't do to the fact that it involves becoming One with the something. In fact, you need a Jesus Christ type of understanding to a achieve this ability. The psychic energy we call telekinesis is very difficult to obtain when there is no passion.

  12. Well you can work on it all you want but its not going to happen.

    Parapsychologists are full of it.

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