
How do u befriend a squirrel?

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ders a squirrel livin in my back yard iwana like b able 2 feed it up close oh and what do dey like 2 eat?




  1. They like to eat nuts.  Just put nuts near and far from you and read or take a nap.  They will get closer gradually.

  2. My grandmother used to go camping a lot, and they would set out nuts, around the camper, and slowly move them closer everyday, till they would start eating out of their hands but these were in a camp site so they were probably used to people more,I'm sure patience is something you'll definitely need, it will take a while for them to get used to you and know that your not going to hurt them, Oh they will eat just about any kind of nut, shelled or not, if they get too used to you, they might become a nuisance

  3. i think they eat nuts.......... it might be easier to catch a baby.....

  4. give them acorns.

    duh!!! everybody knos that

  5. they like to eat your fingers. stick one out.

  6. Sit on a reclining chair and place some nuts around you some near and some far. Take a  nap or read a book and the squirrel will gradually come closer and closer. When you see him take nuts from you that are very close that is when you can feed him with your hand. thats as far as I got.

  7. I have an eastern gray squirrel that I have had for almost three years now. Not only do I have my 'indoor squirrel', I also have the 'outdoor squirrels'. Both love nuts, and any kind of nut will do. Though, I recommend fresh, uncooked, unsalted nuts with the shell on them. It is good for their teeth to have to chew through the shell to get to the nut, and then, the nuts will stay fresher, longer when you store them.

    Get a pattern going. First find a time that they are normally in your yard. I find that squirrels are in my yard on their own around 8-9am and 6-7pm. Let them see you throw down the nuts when you find them out there, and of course, they will run up a tree or away from you at first.

    You will find that after doing this for a few days, they will be looking for you to come out of your house at that time of day with the nuts. Keep doing the same thing.

    After a while, they will actually approach you, expecting nuts. Keep throwing them down, every day, tossing them closer and closer to where you are standing or sitting.

    After a week or two, sit down in the grass, toss one nut out, and wait for the squirrel to have eaten it, coming back to you for another one. Sit still, hold a nut out in your fingertips, and you you find that they will slowly approach you and take it.

    Be careful. Don't hold the nut in the palm of your hand, as you might get bit in their nervous confusion. That is why I tell you to hold it in the tips of your fingers.

    Depending on the squirrel, it may even graduate to coming it to your lap to retrieve it off your leg or from your hand.

  8. They eat nuts. :)

    Acorns, peanuts, just nuts.

    My moms friend befriend a squirrel once.

    She would just sit there and hold one out

    and itd come running to her.

    I thought it was pretty cute! :D

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