
How do u boogie-board? help!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i have a boogie board but i can't do it. help! 10 points will b awarded 4 best answer!!!!!




  1. Buy or borrow a boogy board,and some swim fins, go to the beach, paddle out, watch others, and do what they do...

  2. strap the cord to your wrist.

    swim out a little ways.

    face the shore and lift your feet

  3. when a wave is about to brake jump forward with the board

  4. take this site

  5. try surfing. Please dont become a sponger and clog up the lineups

  6. All u do is walk into the ocean,Lay on the board in chest high water until a wave comes

  7. Start out on medium/small sized waves.  You won't have any fun if the waves are super small, because they'll be really hard to catch.  And anything too big will be dangerous.  

    Some people might say to catch the white wash to begin with, I do not recommend that.  Catching the white wash is what you do when your 7 years old.  It's completely different from catching the face of the wave, and it's just a waste of time.  

    You'll want to get a pair of body boarding fins.  They come in all different shapes, sizes, colors, and prices.  These are different from snorkeling/diving fins, so make sure you're buying the right kind.  Check with your local surf shop (I think you can even get them at some WalMarts, depending on where you live) and let them know that you want something decent, but you don't want to spend a fortune.  

    Without fins, it will be really hard to catch the wave.  

    Most people (people who don't know what they're doing) will sit too far back on the board.  You need enough of your weight forward so your back half isn't dragging in the water.  If your hips and legs are dragging down, they will slow you down and you'll never catch the wave.  Really be far up on the board.  

    When you see the wave forming, hold onto the board and start kicking towards the shore.  Ideally, you're going to want to be near the peak of the wave, that's the place where it's going to start breaking first.  From there, the wave will usually peel in either direction (or in one direction, depending on what kind of break it is..... or it will break all at once if it's a close-out).  

    Use your legs and shift your body weight to try to stay on the face of the wave.  This means you'll head into the beach at an angle, instead of just straight in at 90 degrees.  

    Hope that helped!  Have fun!!

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