
How do u call a learning disability when a kid has very poor memory or almost doesn't have it?

by  |  earlier

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And what are the ways to help them?




  1. i would call it ADHD. or ADD. is the kid hyper?? if not then it is ADD, the  "h" stands for hyperactive.

  2. This is simply a learning disability, which can manifest in many different subject areas. Learning disabilities as defined educationally mean an inability to learn at an expected rate, and this inability to learn is usually caused by different types of processing deficits ( problems with the ways that the brain processes information). There are many different ways we remember, and retrieve information.  Many people with learning disabilities have difficulty with memory, whether it is in how they store memories, or how they recall them. It is important for people with learning disabilities and those that work with them learn what their strengths and weaknesses are and how to work with the strengths to compensate for the weaknesses.

  3. you need to contact the school the child attends and tell them you suspect a learning disability.  The school will hold a local screening commitee meeting and will test the student.  If the student is found eligble, they will be placed placed in special education.   For more information, go to the access center.  (type into search)

  4. Your question makes no sense ask the doctor

  5. I have a bad memory and my learning disability has something to do with processing information and working memory. I can't exactly remember what it's called. lol told you I had bad memory. Have you been tested and if so ask your parents or whom ever if they know.

  6. What kind of memory?  Are you talking about visual memory, auditory memory or memory in general?

    I have a LD, and my visual memory is weak.  My auditory one is FAR stronger.

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