
How do u calm a 9 yr old and a ten yr old down?

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my friend is baby sitting his little step siblings and they are running around the house and he is asking me for help. i dont babysit so i odnt know how to help him. if u have any ideas pleese help




  1. If they are really bad, tell them you are calling their parent.

    Most likely, it's boys being boys and they need a couple of hours OUTSIDE of the house: bikes, basketball (you get the idea).  If my sons watch TV, they get what we call at our house, TV Head.  They are easily agitated and too hyper.  Boys should be outside a lot.  Computer and Video games can give the TV head too.

  2. Tranquilizer dart gun sold at major sporting good stores.

    But on a serious note, tell the babysitter to ask them questions about Power Rangers or whatever kids are into these days.

  3. 1) Have the kids teach him something they learned.

    2) Play games.  He can teach them a game called "Silent Ball."  They stand (or sit) in a circle and throw the ball to one another.  The person who makes noise is OUT.  The person who misses the ball is OUT.  Last one standing with the ball in hand is the winner.  I tried this with 8-11 year olds with huge success.  They love this game.

    3) Put the timer on and clean something in the house as a surprise to parents.

  4. I have my kids do a Yoga dvd routine and that generally works. Also, try to have them sit in a quiet room for about 30 minutes so they can decompress from what it was that got them hyper in the first place.

  5. Make them listen or sit in the corner.  

    I've read that forcing kids to wear diapers can make them more docile too.

  6. say i am going to call ur mom or dad and they wont be very happy with u when they get back

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