
How do u convince others by examples?

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When u talk about Islam to others what are some examples u seem to repeat to others becasue u find it very moving & u feel it could make others effected?




  1. You don't "preach" to people, that's just rhetoric

    You teach by example  

  2. Just be non judgemental and make a friend.  Your intent as a Muslim should not be to "revert" them to Islam.  That is not what Allah comissioned the Prophet (sa) to do.  Allah told him that his message is plain delivery of the message, and that he is not a keeper over the people.

    Therefore, just treat the person with love, respect, and kindness as the Perfect (sa) example showed us.  With prayers, Allah will bring them to Islam, insha'allah.

    love for all, hatred for none

  3. Assalamu Alaikum.

    Some I use are......

    - Guidance is a light with which we see our way. A man walking in the darkness cannot differentiate between a rope and a snake. He is afraid of everything that sticks his feet. But if gets a torch..he knows what's dangerous and what's cool. So whomever Allah guides and has Taqwa, he gives him Al-Furqan which is the sense to differentiate between truth and falsehood.

    (O believers! If you fear Allah He will grant you a criterion (to judge between right and wrong), do away with your sins and forgive you. Allah is the Lord of Mighty Grace.  (Sura Al-Anfal:Verse:29)

    - Suppose a man goes to a dark room and shouts aloud to the darkness to get lost, get off this place and threaten it and fights with it...what's use. If he only kindle a small light the darkness disappears. Because darkness is the absence of light. It has got nothing of it's identity to withstand before a light. Likewise falsehood has no basis. We see many fighting it without kindling the truth in him and we see their efforts in vain. Many as me are ready to speak about falsehood but fails to practice Islam. So when Thauheed comes, Shirk disapperas. When knowledge comes, ignorace goes, when Sunna comes, Bida'th runs away, when Quality of angel comes in us, Satan runs away...

    And say: "Truth has (now) arrived and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish."  (Sura Al-ISraa: Verse:81)

    There are many more examples we hear from Scholars and those who have wisdom in Da'wa ila Allah.

  4. There r many but here r some:

    1.Everything we see, speak, hear ,think & feel effects  us & stays in our heart  today we talk about dunya,see things of donya, hear about donya, think off donya & feel 4 this donya so donya has taken place in our heart but when we think of , look at Allah's creation, talk, feel for this deen then this "Deen " will take importance in our hearts.

    2. In wat ever man has put time, effort & money It has given beautiful fruits so if we use our time, efforts & money in this "Deen" then we will be able to beautfy our deen.

    3. Islaam is not idealogy or science but it is complete belief from within u, with out doughting or objecting on anything.

  5. Frankly speaking, I never felt need to give example. After all we don't believe in dogma of trnity to giver example of ice-water or egg!  However, I do quote some verse from Quran and also some to explain Islamic stance on some of the issues.

  6. Well, brother, it needs strength!! tell the Truth, Islam is Haq!! so by haq you can convince anyone at any time!!

  7. As Salaam to you all,

    If questioned about Islam, my first reply is that the true Islam of yesterday at the time of the Prophet (pbuh) has gone and died and what we see today is not Islam, it is divided and lost by secular ideology. Like Christianity we have unworthy leaders who have a tendancy to not lead but rather dictate. We also have our fair share of so called Islamists (Qadianni's) who have strayed away from the truth and push their new found idelogy as being the only way forward. These people call all other Muslims as being non-believers. However, anyone who calls another Muslim a non-believer is that themselves.

    I then give them a few examples of what I mean before given even more examples of Christianity and other religious moves against Islam, such as the Crusades, the Inquisition, and then moves against witches during the 12th and 13th centuries, plus Church Law within the United Kingdom and lastly the obvious false Hadith of the Prophet (pbuh) which go against his message and that of Allah (SWT) in the Glorious Qur'an.

    Just like within the Glorious Qur'an, I give both negative and positive replies to their questions and my reason for changing my faith from Christianity to Islam.

    To Muslims who may ask questions, I do not state the full answer as to where in the Hadith's or Glorious Qur'an the answer has come from but rather expect them to find this out themselves. My job is to guide and not to give the full answer, for humans are on the whole very lazzy and I do not want then just to take my examples as being complete answers. The final answer is within the individual and the path they may be upon may be wrong and my action is to guide them towards the truth of Allah (SWT) only.

    Wa Salaam.

  8. My Brother the Biggest Example we have on earth is OUR HOLY PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH),

    SEE the life of holy Prophet(PBUH),his every action can very easily quoted as an example for the whole UNIVERSE.!!!

    Else why did ALLAH pass his most lovable person(since ever to ever) from such a hard Moments,,,

  9. I personally have used the scientific basis. How can you refute something that was written 1400 years ago and was proven to be truthful in the scientific aspects just with in the last 200 years.

  10. If you are talking about analogies, they sometimes help.

    I think it just comes to your mind due to your own experience or due to something you've heard on the news, the media, TV, the internet, etc.

    Moreover, these analogies have to be given in proper times to proper subjects. If the analogy doesn't quite correctly correspond to your subject, don't use it. The analogy may exceed or be less than what you require. So, choose carefully.

    You also learn more and become more successful in using them as you talk to more people and you repeat them.

    There are also stories of wise people who have said wise things that can affect you and others as well.

    Moreover, it is a Qur'anic advice to use wisdom in preaching and calling others to the message of God:

    016.125 Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance.

    Al-Qur'an, 016.125 (An-Nahl [The Bee])

    I've noticed that the following website uses analogies in some of its explanations:

    This can be a good source of Islamic stories with wisdom:

    Peace be with you.

  11. that the quran has the path of  ur life written in it. if u read it, there will be no worry. peace will overcome u. u will feel the presence of allah. btw, r u trying to convert some1? go muslims!!

  12. This non-muslim would be heavily influenced by those who claim that Islam is a religion of Peace, if more muslims demanded the same kind of peace from other muslims more often.

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