
How do u correctly use a ouija board?

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How do u correctly use a ouija board?




  1. You look at it sitting on the store turn...and walk away and save your money for something worth a Chunky.

  2. you should not use a ouija board. thay are a gateway for spirits you might not lik what you let out belive me i know

  3. follow the directions and open your mind to the supper natural

  4. Yeah...probably not a good put your hands on and another person puts their hands on and you ask questions to the spirits and such.  If you're gonna do it make sure you ask if it's a good spirit first though...

  5. A well made on makes a decent chopping board.  After that I guess you could whittle tooth picks out of it.

    Use as intended is only for the extremely gullible.

  6. Throw that chit away. Those b******s are evil.

  7. You don't. Whether you believe in it or not is irrelevant. I won't dare come near those things.

  8. better  not  to  go  near  it  at all

  9. You get some friends together.Preferably on a dark night.If you have some silly friends get them.Then you and another person set them up.Work together and scare the foofwraw out of them.It's easy,fun and harmless.

       The fact some people think these harmless games are dangerous.That's a real source of amusement for me.It can be for you too.

  10. Ditto what Bella said!! Ouija spells T R O U B L E.....

  11. You throw it in the trash.

  12. The board comes with directions. However, basically you have two or more people and they all lightly touch the planchette (the triangle piece that goes in the middle) with a finger tip. Then you ask questions of spirits and the planchette points to letters that spell out the answer.

    Michael Faraday tested this years ago and found that force was always used to move the board (and to tip tables when that was popular) and most people attribute this to the ideomotor effect (link below).

    If you attempt this I suggest an original board made of wood with a planchette that has felt on the bottom which allows it to slide more easily. The cheaper plastic ones I have never been able to get to move without applying force strong enough that I could tell I was pushing it.

    You might have to try E-bay to find one.

    Also, despite the normal explanation this does not mean they could not be used to test possible ESP. For example find a person that will write down questions that you would not know the answer to and seal them in an envelope and then have them keep them. Then have that person wait somewhere you and others using the board can not see him/her (to eliminate subtle cues) and ask the board questions. It might be OK to identify one thing from the person like my grandmother or something but nothing else. Then the questions could be for his/her grandmother.

    Record all the answers and after the session open the envelope and see if the answers fit with the questions that the person wanted answered during the session.

    This is called sitter by proxy and was used to study early mediums that claimed to be able to communicate with the deceased.

    If you have religious beliefs/traditions about the board you can choose to not use it or to take appropriate cautions based on your faith.


  13. Amazing how we live in the 21St Century and people STILL have fear over a stupid game like they just walked out of the Dark Ages..........

    There has never been any scientific proof of a d**n Ouija board luring EVIL SPIRITS to the people that have used it.

    That is just as ludicrous as believing in a curse.

    Unless of course, d**k Cheney was conjured up from one.

    Then, I'd believe it!

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