
How do u cure shyness...?

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ok...i am a very shy, quiet person and well...i've always wanted to dance but my shyness keeps getting on the way!!how do i make myself stop thinking like this and start convincing myself that i can do it..???i feel embarass whatever the thing i do...moving, talking, singing, dancing and even laughting...!!!!!!!*sigh* do i still have hope..?

btw...tis is the dance i wanted to learn

im sorry my grammar is bad...i wasnt raise here in America....*came here 2 years ago from the Philippines but is Vietnamese*..:]




  1. Thats a pretty cool dance.

    I say go for it and don't worry what other people think.

    Maybe go to one out of town where no one knows you.


  2. First of all...awesome video! I really like it!

    I totally know what you mean because honestly, I'm very shy...probably the shyest person in my school and I know how shyness can be a problem when it gets overwelming which gets in the way of you doing the things you want to do (like what you said...dancing, singing and so on). By the way, there's nothing wrong with being's just the way people's personalities are. There is great possibilities that you can overcome this shyness.

    I found this website that really helped me to stop being too shy (it might not change the way you are though) so try it out:

    Step 1: Boost your self-esteem

    Determine why you’re so uncomfortable around people. If it’s due to something you can fix—your teeth, your education level, your body—take action to feel better about yourself.

    Step 2: Practice conversation skills

    Practice your conversation skills by chatting up people you’ll probably never see again—the woman behind you in the checkout line, the guy sitting next to you on the train, people walking their dogs.

    Step 3: Practice body language

    When you have trouble clicking with someone verbally, try matching their body position physically. If they’ve got a hand on their hip, do the same—and their brain will be tricked into thinking you’re hitting it off!

    Step 4: Test your abilities

    Once you’re confident you can start a conversation, test your newfound skills at group gatherings. And don’t just talk to one person and call it a night; the more you practice, the easier it will get.

    Step 5: Breathe deeply

    Practice the relaxation technique of deep breathing. That way, when you start to feel self-conscious, you’ll be able to calm yourself with a few deep breaths.

    Step 6: Relax

    Whenever you walk into a room full of people, remind yourself that 48% of them are as nervous as you are—and the rest are too busy thinking about themselves to notice you!

    So if you attend at any party or anywhere and you begin to feel uncomfortable, try to come near someone who's standing alone. They might be shy as well so it might be easier for you to have a one-on-one conversation than trying to talk to several people at once. Also ask your friends to introduce you to new people. Other people who know you well should be able to determine the types of people you'd feel comfortable with so that won't be too bad.

    I truly hope that helps you and be yourself!! Good luck!!! : )

  3. Well there is really no cure. just try be who yourself no matter who you are with. Try taking a hip hop class or ask people you know. Just be comfortable with yourself and be confident. The shyness with go away soon  

  4. why don't you take a hip hop class?  once you learn a cool dance, you can show it off to your friends... i think it'll help you break out of your shell.


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