
How do u deal with conflicts constructively n a nursery & in ways that respect other team members views?

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How do u deal with conflicts constructively n a nursery & in ways that respect other team members views?




  1. This can be really tricky. It's especially hard when you think about the fact that most nursery school workers are women, who tend to be more emotional. I would say the most important things are to be sensitive to others' feelings about a matter, but to not back down. There is a way to get your point across without being rude.

    If these suggestions don't work, your group may need some team building guidance from an outside source.

  2. If you mean conflicts between kids, try the redirecting approach which means directing the childs attention to another object, activity and resolves the conflict by removing it.

  3. Clarity in purpose, rules and general guidelines can help a staff anywhere work better together.

    Get the staff together and draw up guidelines for behaviour.

    Give each staff member a real chance to express their concerns about what rules they would like initiated and which ones they object to. When an employee feels that his or her concerns are being listened to, and in a sense, being voted on, they are much more likely to follow rules and show respect to other employees than if they felt like they were just cogs in a wheel.

  4. search for conflict resolution on the web. I saw Rachael Underwood talk about this at a conference. Basically, its getting down to the childrens level and helping the children to sort out the issues for themselves, it helps them understand.

  5. You would need to elaborate a little more for a good answer.  Conflicts between adults or children?  

    But, taking everyone's point of view into consideration and coming to a compromise on an issue is always the best solution when working with a group.

  6. to be honest it depends what the conflict is about.

    if it is work related ie: someone does a music session one way and you want it done another, talk to each! take it in turns, chances are different children will prefer it done different ways to, that way everyone is a winner. Afterall childcare has evolved because different theorists such as piaget/frobel and montossori thought things should be done differently. and all of their ideas had good and bad points.

    if its something more serious which could put children at risk ie someone thinks leaving a child on their own for a few seconds whilst the staff member washes their hands is ok but you dont, speak to a senior nursery nurse and ask them to resolve the issue.

    if its personal, you just dont get along, ask for a room swap. children will pick up on tension, they are very good at playing people off against each other and wont take them long to work out who and how!!

    basically communication is the key but at the end of the day if it is causing major problems you need to speak to your manager to resolve it. small things only get bigger until everyone is miserable, children included.

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