
How do u deal with??

by  |  earlier

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Depression over ex-boyfriends who seem to think u used them..even tho u didn't and u love them with all ur heart. i seem to have that problem and need some advice. Thanks. Email me.




  1. I guess just look forward.

    You'll find someone a lot better out there for you.  If you can try and talk to them, and tell them how you really feel. If it still doesn't work, move on and keep your head up.

    They'll always be someone else out there, who may love you more than the last person did. Things don't always work out the way you want them to, but that's all part of growing up and living life.

    Hope this helped!

  2. why do they thinnk that?

    listen to exactly what they have to say if they are just being pathetic, leave dont even thin kabout them not worth making you depressed that is probably what they are aiming for.

    however an honest apology is really all you can do if you are in the wrong.

    an honest apology nearly always works.
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