
How do u discipline a 3year old kid that acts out?

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cause i have to babysit my lil brother and he is insanely crazy he hits me and throws stuff everywhere im going crazy wat do i do?




  1. minor spanking will help... or do the same thing he's doing to irritate him and let him know that if he doesn't want u to b that way, he better behave.

    or... get SUPER NANNY

  2. What do your parents do?  It's best if you can be consistent because you doing something different isn't going to sink in.  If he's acting out and hitting you and throwing things because your parents DON'T discipline, then I'd suggest you discuss your rules with your brother.  Explain the consequences, give warnings, then follow through on what you said you'd do.  Time out or loss of T.V. or a favorite toy for a set period of time is probably your best bet (siblings shouldn't administer spankings).

  3. I think your parents need to be consistent in disciplining him.. all you can really do is give timeouts and tell him the rules. The parents need to be the one to discipline, they should not lay that responsibility on you

  4. do what ever your parents do what ever that may be. talk to him firmly when he does something wrong. he thinks he can ignore you and get his way because your not a parent but when you put your foot down he will respond.

  5. i have 2 3 yr olds and you have to kneel down to them and talk firm without baby talking and have a chair that you can put in the corner and put them there for 3 minutes everytime they act up especially when they hit and after time out tell him what he did was wrong and everytime they act  out put them back.

  6. timeout, spanking, rewards for good behaviour.

  7. Most kids respond better to discipline coming from someone other than parents. Tell him firmly that he cant act that way with you and if he does it again he'll get a time out. If he gets up, keep putting him there. It can take a long time but consistency is the only thing that will work.

  8. wow. set boundaries. use a stern voice. dont send mixed signals. if you tell him there is a consequence for an action. follow through. if you tell him he cant watch tv if he hits you, then the tv needs to go off. let him know his actions are not ok. explain to him in the morning or whenever you start what the rules and consequences are. tell him he can only take out 1 toy at a time and that whatever he messes up he WILL pick up. if he refuses...take him by the hand, over to the mess and wait for him to do it. let him know that you are not a joke and you are in charge. let your parents know, so they can tell him in the morning that he needs to listen to you. back eachother up.

    hope for your sake you're getting paid =]

    good luck

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