
How do u dive into water?

by  |  earlier

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i wanna learn how to dive

can u guys tell me how i should dive




  1. It's easier to show in person but you put both hands over your head with the back and palm of each hand over lapping, make sure both hands are behind your ears, tucking your head towars your chest. Dive almost straight in, keeping your feet together. I hope that helped, it's very hard to explain. Good luck!

  2. Well, you have your hands together like you are praying, except you extend your arms out. Dont' stick them straight out, put them on a declining angle. Then jump up and forward, snapping your body into a straight line running from the tips of your fingers to your toes. Hopefully you'll dive into the pool or lake, not over-shooting or under-shooting the jump. I hope that was clear.

  3. put you r hands together above your head, and lean your whole body forwards/ down, facing the water, so your hands will hit first. Then fall in, and kick your legs up behind you, so your hands go in first.

  4. yeah basically u put on foot in front of the other and teh block-slash wall. kinda out yer butt up in the air and put yer hands down on the front of the block or wall. when u want to dive throw yer hands out in front of u and kick yer legs up so u go in about 45 degree angle. u want yer whole body to b straight when u go in so when u kick yer legs up make sure to straighten ur knees to

  5. I never could learn that very well.

  6. its hard, i never learned at a young age and i can't really do it now and I'm thirteen.

  7. diving is easy once you get the hang of it,

    here are some tips to dive better,

    stand straight up and bend you chest

    have your hands above your head holding your thumbs together,

    bend your knees , lean over and jump into the water exactly like you are.

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