
How do u do a backflip off a diving board?

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How do u do a backflip off a diving board?




  1. first u stand back wurds 2 u jump and 3 u flip and dont hurt ur self

  2. Verrrrry carefully!

  3. I can attempt if it continues to be a back flip then so be it, but most likely I'll end up landing right on my back or stomach in the water!! LOL  OUCH!!!!

    Use your legs to push off the diving board as hard as you can spinning backwards.  Make sure you push out as well so you don't hit your head on the board.


    I can do this, but I'm not sure I can write directions for how-to.  Let's see:

    Typical, standing back flip off of a diving board... (never try a back flip off the side of the pool, this is how I cracked my skull, lucky it wasn't worse.)

    Walk to the end of the board and turn around.  You should be facing away from the pool.

    Stand on the very edge of the board, on the balls of your feet, heels should be up and off the board.

    When first attempting a back flip, it is helpful to use your arms to push yourself out as far away from the board as possible, as well as to get some air.  

    So, raise your arms, outstretched, above your head.  As you bend your knees, swing your arms down and swing them up as you push back up.  Push back and up with your feet.

    As soon as your feet come off the board, pull your knees to your chest and hold them with your arms as you swing them back up.  Tuck your head and pull your body around backwards, your arms will help with the rotation.  

    When you complete 360 degrees, straighten your legs back out, and swing your arms back up over your head.  This helps stop the rotation.

    It might take a few tries to get it right.  Good luck and be careful.

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