
How do u do a flip off a diving board??

by  |  earlier

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  1. um, ran, jump, sommersault.


  2. well, you lean forward or back wards depnding weither or not you want to a front flip or back filp.

  3. make a fist pointing at the diving board and raise your middle finger.

    (ur welcome)

  4. Jump up, tuck your chin into your chest and roll forward

  5. Easiest way is to just have forward momentum when you get to the end and when you spring start to roll.

  6. u juz do it

  7. if it is a dinky house pool board what you want to do is this.

    1. take 3 steps from the end of the board if your dominant leg is your right leg and 4 if ts your left. (if it is a real one meter board for 3 steps start inbetween numbers 5 and 6 on the fulcrum ruler and for 4 steps start between 6 and 7.)<your number of steps may vary...but they are just to gain momentum.>

    2. right before you are at the end of the board Hurdle (bring your knee up to your chest) while you force your arms up toward the sky...or ceiling.

    3.bring your legs together for one final jump (as you bring your hurdle leg down bring your arms down)

    4. as you bend your legs on your final jump bring your arms up with you as you jump up.

    5.once you have reached maximum height throw your arms to your knees your chin to your chest and tuck your knees tight.

    6. Once you are a little more than 3/4 of the way around quickly snap your legs open (straight) and put your arms down by your side!


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