
How do u feel about Royal Enfied Electra 5S ? Owners pls respond..?

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How do u feel about Royal Enfied Electra 5S ? Owners pls respond..?




  1. Check user reviews here :

  2. Im not an owner; neither have I heard much good about the Royal Enfield line. The technology is right out of 1950 and they have some charm as attractive antique vehicles. This is much like a british harley. If you goal is a look at and admire all week, then a sunday ride, buy an Enfield. If you plan to ride seriously, over 10,000 miles a year, you ought to consider almost ANY other bike.

    Electric ... it's way to soon to jump into electric vehicles. When the cement trucks and 18 wheelers  following you in traffic are electric, then you look for an electric vehicle.

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