
How do u find out what nationality your last name is?

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  1. Enter it into the Ellis Island website & see where the majority of folkas with the Albo name came from.

  2. Sometimes it's obvious like my friends last name Kelly (Irish) and Wrobleski (Polish) But, names like my own are tricky mine is Welsh guess what.. it's Irish! Yep it means someone from wales. And Romanowski it means a polish person FROM Rome.

    usually your last name comes from your native backgrounds there are also websites out there like these ones:

  3. ask ya daddy.

  4. If its rodriguez its spanish if its mohammad its lebo if its lee wong its asian if its san deep its Indian if its Brown african american if its Topu its tongan if its Montana columbian ifi ts salvatori its italian.

  5. Names do not have nationalities.  

    Many names *MAY* be associated with one country or origin, but the fact is that many can come from different places. Not just one.  Occasionally.. a last name as known today, is actually a variation of another original name.

    You can find factual records as to where your ancestors were born (lived).


    Albo Name Meaning and History

    1.Spanish, Italian, and Jewish (Sephardic): from a reduced form of Alberto, Alberico, or Albino.

    2.Hungarian (Alboó): from a pet form of the personal name Albert.

    3.Catalan (Alboó): from a derivative of alba, which is:

    Spanish, Italian, and Romanian: habitational name from any of the places named in any of these languages with this element. Its meaning is various and disputed; the coincidence in form with Latin alba (feminine) ‘white’ is suggestive, but in many cases the name is pre-Roman and denotes a site on a hill or mountain. has these varied spellings: ALBE; ALBEE; ALLABY; ALBAUGH; ALBA ; ALBEA ; ALBOW ; D'ALBAUGH ; ALBY; ALBAUT; D'ALBO; ALBAY; ALLBOU ;


      The name dates back at least to the 1200's with these 2 listings from England.  The earliest is:

    1. ALURED ALBO - Gender: Male Birth: About 1211 Of St Sepulcher, , London, England


    Gender: Male Birth: About 1226 Edleston, Cheshire, England.

    France, England, Canada, USA (various states), Peru, Philippines, Cuba, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Switzerland, Estonia Ussr, Germany, Mexico,  Argentina, Uruguay, Chile,

    Brazil,  Italy, Spain, and Sweden are places where the name is located.


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