
How do u find the age of a turtle??

by  |  earlier

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cus i have one and i wanted to no how to no the age of it..




  1. I am sorry to tell you there is no way to tell, but im sure you could bring it to a vet and they could give u an aproxomit age.

  2. theres so exact way of ever knowing

  3. If it is still growing then I would say submit a picture on here and have some of the other owners make an estimate. I mean I know I can give a rough guess for Sulcata's because I've seen them at 6-7 months old, 5-8 years and full size....otherwise I would also suggest taking it to the vet since they are best suited for things like that. There is no easy way unless you watched it hatch, which you didn't get that pleasure so it's a little harder.  Good luck though.

  4. if you just baught it it's probily 2 or 3.

  5. It has been said you can count the growth rings or lines.

    Not so because they may have several grow spurts in the same year if food is plentiful.

    There is no way to tell if you do not know the hatch date.

    And no way to guess by size.

    I have 2 box turtles from the same clutch.

    One is much larger than the other because one would not eat good when hatched.

    I have an African spurred tortoise (sulcata) that is 7 years old, weighs 45 pounds. Another 7 year old that weighs 30 pounds.

    So I am sorry to tell you there is no way to tell.

  6. You don't. Sometimes, if the turtle is wild-caught, you can take a guess from the size.

  7. it is hard to tell if you found it you may never know if you bought it ask the person you got it from

  8. You see it hatch and keep count.

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