
How do u forgive someone that already passed away?

by  |  earlier

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my dad was never really a father to me and im super MAD and HURT so please help




  1. you just do it

  2. Ask God to forgive you for hurting that person. If you ask for forgiveness to God you will feel so much better God knows and he will lift up that burden from you. God knows your heart. I know that for a fact.

    Everything will be alright. I promise

  3. Its something that has to honestly come from the heart. Since there is no one to receive your apologies and extend forgiveness, you must come to terms with the wrong that was done, and move passed it with a heart of compassion and humility.  I think its an important thing to do.

  4. Just meditate and find it in your heart to forgive that person, and release those feelings, say it out loud if you need to, maybe in the privacy of your own room.  Have a quiet time to say "I truly forgive you", and then move on.  That person is now a spirit and is no longer that person you remember.  Let go for your own good not theirs.  You are the one living and this will help you a lot in your life.  You can't go through your life holding on to any resentments.  Let go and let peace enter your life.

  5.    I know that this is going to sound so cliche, but as the old saying goes. Time heals all wounds. I know how you feel. I was in that position a few years back and to be honest it sucks. Just take it one day at a time. I hope you the best.  

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