
How do u get better at dinghy racing?

by Guest59932  |  earlier

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How do u get better at dinghy racing?




  1. Practice.  And sail with better sailors, watch and learn!

  2. Practice and going to training schools - also reading - there is a good laser racing book by Ed Baird (Americas Cup winning helmsman) as he is into dingy racing too.  He is one of the best.

  3. as everyone said practice

    and read up on what you feel uncomfortable with or are having trouble with

  4. Learn to feel the wind and where its coming from.

  5. Practice, read, get good coaching.

    Spend lots of time on the water.

  6. By doing a lot of it.

  7. Also spend a lot of time in the bar afterwards - that's when the other skippers will tell you how they beat you.

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