
How do u get dark circles under your eyes too go away? what can u buy?

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How do u get dark circles under your eyes too go away? what can u buy?




  1. You can buy highlighter. It is a green stick or liquid whichever you prefer, anyways apply it to your eye circles and then apply your foundation and your eye circles will go away.

  2. Sometimes drinking more water and taking a vitamin each day will help. Concealer helps if you don't put on too much.  You don't want to look like you are wearing a mask, practice with getting the correct amount. It is suggested to back up two feet from the mirror after applying your concealer.  If you can see it, you need to blend more.  Just an idea.

  3. bio oil, or sleep. also concealer, whatever that is, but the other one mention it so i have it all:)

  4. concealer

  5. Most of it is genetic. I have them to. Just get lots of sleep, and try not be stressed to much. I also have heard that when you cry a lot under eye circles appear darker. Not sure if it's true tho. Also drink plenty of water. Getting a bit of color in your face as well as putting cold spoons under eyes may help. Get ShiSeido Benefiance Revitalizing Cream. I got mine from Macy's and just a tiny dab of it does wonders on dark circles.

    vitamin E oil,olive oil,cucumbers, & a doctor can also help. I have pretty bad ones so this is all from experience.

    Hope this helps. :)

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