
How do u get in a fight?

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How do u get in a fight?




  1. well. it usually starts by rumors and people blaming people for different things.. and also negativity then the punching and stuff starts to begin so yaa

  2. In Preschool? I'd say take someones animal cracker or their Mega Block.

  3. Hit someone or throw them against an object.

  4. You punch somebody in the nose or start joaning on them.

  5. Throw the first punch.


  6. EASY ALL U gotta do is push abig guy onthe shoulder really hard and then u say u nothing but big fat loser

  7. you say really mean things

  8. Start talkin smack then give them a good punch in the stomach.

    Hope this helps!!!:)

  9. Well one way would to go up to a big scary looking guy and hit him...that mayy work...

    Other then that...WHY would you want to?!?!?!

  10. Walk up to someone and punch them . Keep doing this at every opportunity .............. UNTIL you punch the wrong person ............ and that person plants one on your mouth , knocks you down , then kicks the schitt out of you .

    You`ll have ample opportunity to figure out where you went wrong as you spend the next two years undergoing facial and dental reconstuction whilst relaxing in your wheelchair .

    Works every time , Dexter ...................... trust me on this one !

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