
How do u get mold out of furniture???

by  |  earlier

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how do u get mold out of a china cabinet? possibly anteict






  2. sorry love not much you can do, you can try and sand it off but that will devalue the piece.

    Best to just leave it as is and just move it to a dryer place.

  3. Mold won't grow unless it's wet or if you don't keep your house damp, the furniture won't grow mold again.

    I would dry it out well....vacuum all upholstery, wipe off the wood with mineral spirits, spray the upholstry with lysol....and not worry too much.

    The only thing that will get mold out of wood (to a point) is a bleach solution. But if it's old and porous...

    Anything upohlstered, you will not get it out.

    Now if an item is something antique from Great Grandma, I would take it to a professional and see what could be done.

  4. Burn it.

  5. Try some white vinegar...

  6. Wash it down with white vinegar.  Whatever you do, do NOT use bleach !  Bleach will not kill mold and will actually deteriorate wood.  People who tell you to use bleach do not understand mold remediation.  White vinegar kills 80% of all mold types.  Even better than that, get some tea tree oil and rub it down with that.  Tea tree oil kills virtually all mold.

  7. you can't and you won't..sry

  8. You can try vinegar but is probably firewood...Sorry.

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