
How do u get oil out of clothing?

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how do u get bike oil out of clothing




  1. Washing up liquid is right, it breaks up the oil. If the stain is really stubborn, try giving it a scrub with a soft brush too (but be careful, or you'll scrub the colour out of the material!)

  2. if its motor oil try swafega hand cleaner this gets it out

    or try butter,

  3. Washing up liquid applied direct

  4. Using a good detergent that contains enzymes to work on oils.  There are lots of biologically formulated soap powders in super market and these should be explored.

  5. Agreed! Washing Up liquid if all else fails!

  6. I agree with Will K. Carbona Stain Devils have formulas made for specific types of stain and they work great. You will need the #5 formula. What is Washing Up Liquid? Never heard of that one....O.K. looked it up and I think that is what they call dish liquid in England. Hmmm. Live and learn!

  7. Dishwashing liquid would be your best bet.  Apply and leave on for awhile.  You might need to repeat the process.  Also,  wash in HOT water if it won't damage the garment.

  8. Soda Crystals are great for removing grease, blood, ink, tea and coffee stains so might work on oil. It would be worth trying as they will not damage clothes.

    Try soaking in a strong solution of Soda Crystals before washing.

    Because Soda Crystals work well on grease they are also good for clearing blocked sinks etc.

    I use them for lots of cleaning around the house and always put a tablespoon in with my washing powder when cleaning clothes.

    They are good for the clothes and the machine.

    You can buy them at any supermarket.  

  9. Make a paste of a liquid dish soap, such as Dawn, and baking soda. Apply it directly to the stain. Let it sit for about 30 minutes and launder as usual.

  10. A solvent hand cleaner such as Swarfega. Use it without water to start with and let it soak for a while. Then do a normal wash.

  11. i found that using a waterless hand cleaner as a pre-wash work,s on most oil and grease stains

    but if its really bad soak the garment in cola overnight

    and to get rid of the odor  throw in a cup of baking soda into the wash cycle

  12. You could try "Stain Devil" or any other Stain Removers made specifically for clothes. These should be sold at most supermarkets. Good luck :)

  13. The original blue Dawn dish liquid gets oil and grease out of clothing without a residue.

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