
How do u get out of a fite?

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How do u get out of a fite?




  1. be a bigger man

  2. walk away, apologize without embarrassing yourself, turn the other cheek, don't respond to teasing (it comes back on them eventually) basically don't get into one in the first place.

    If someone is challenging you ignore them- don't get pulled into their 'stuff.' It's hard, and people may call you names if you don't fight, but they'll move onto something/someone else after a while.  Remember, it takes a lot more courage to stay out of a fight rather than giving in and letting someone else make you do something you don't want to do.

    If it gets to be something that is happening all the time, tell your teacher- really- because this person may be picking on other kids, too, and the teacher/monitors need to know so they can keep a better eye on him/her.

    Good luck to you.

  3. Walk away.  Don't get goaded into fighting because you are afraid of being called names.  The fact is, it takes a much bigger person to walk away.

  4. say no, or dont even start one...

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