
How do u get rid of baby teeth?

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ok. i'm 15 and a half and i still have baby teeth. i know it's not really normal, at least i don't think it is, but i really wanna get rid of them. i brush my teeth twice daily and take care of them and i eat healthy, but they just aren't coming out. what do i do? and is this normal? ty for anyone who answers.




  1. Everyone is different however,  have you been to a dentist and had an x-ray (panoramic) to see if perhaps you have never developed adult teeth in those areas. Are they loose? If not, I would see the dentist and get an x-ray, if they are there then yes, it is normal and you are just a little slower than average. If you don't have any permanents there then you will have to keep the baby teeth.

  2. It is a common thing to have retained some of your baby teeth, most commonly your primary molar, which normally gets replaced by one of your pre-molars, but when the pre-molar doesn't develop, there is no need to get rid of the tooth that replaces it.  The body keeps this tooth to keep your teeth in-line and so you won't have a gap between your teeth.  I wouldn't recommend that you get rid of them, because it sounds like you take great care of your teeth and these can last you much longer into your life, if you get them removed then you would want to get implants which go into the bone and take place of a real tooth, but can be expensive, so stick to what you got and don't get them removed! Good Luck!

  3. Go to your dentist...s/he can tell you what's going on, and whether or not s/he can pull them out or if you're better off leaving them be. I had a baby tooth until I was 14, and it didn't come out until I crunched on a cookie and it broke into 4 pieces. Then each piece came out at a different time over several weeks. I most recently had an x-ray of my mouth done and the dentist told me there was STILL a piece of that baby tooth left in my mouth (and that break happened over 13 years ago!) So, don't worry too much, as long as your teeth are healthy and don't hurt, it's probably not a big deal.  

  4. happened to my dad too, if they dont come out on their own, you'll have to pull em. You do not want impacted teeth :(

  5. You need to go to a dentist to have a x-ray taken to see if your adult teeth have formed above your baby teeth.  Sometimes it is necessary to have your baby teeth extracted in order for these teeth to come down-Some people never form adult teeth in some areas in this case you may need other options-because you generaly can not go your adult life without losing your baby teeth(they have short roots so not very strong)  See your dentist for that x-ray!

  6. Pull Them!

    It's not usually normal but when I was 12 I had to have 1 baby tooth pulled!

    It doesn't hurt I didn' feel a thing!

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