
How do u get rid of feer of flyig on planes?

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ok on augist 4 i am going to washington state and i have to fly its just going to be me and my sis im afraid or flying specialy when im alone me and my sis dont have seets close to each other how do i get not scared




  1. you can't get really rid of the fear of flying. some people are and always will be afraid of flying. just try to relax and accept it. plane travel is the safest way to travel.

  2. this is easy and fast when you are on a plane just imagine that you are somewhere on some beach with drink in your hand and relax .Before you know flight will be over

  3. to overcome it you have to do it you have to fly in one,your fear of flying will be gone once you land...its like a roller coaster first you dont want to do it cuz your all scared but once you do it you wanna do it again

    good luck have a great time at washington

  4. Why do you have a fear for flying? Take small baby steps to alleviate your fears of flying.  You may start out by looking into how airplanes can stay airborne or why they make certain noises or movements when they do. You can also talk to other frequent flyers you know of, maybe let the flight attendant know of your circumstance.

  5. I had the same problem. Dont look out the window when taking off.Learn as much about the plane as you can. Turbulance(bouncing up and down/shaking) is the plane slowing down or speeding up due to wind.(its nothing to be scared of).Planes have a high sf(safety factor)meaning they are built to withstand the harshest conditions.  The plane is thouroughly inspected by some of the worlds best engineers before every flight.Pilots do the same trip almost every day. Dont worry your in good hands.

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