
How do u get rid of fleas in the house??

by Guest57644  |  earlier

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I let my outside cat in the house and now there are a few fleas just in the carpet in my bedroom. it's not bad yet but i know it will.... btw i can't afford to call the pro's ...

i heard that moth balls work???




  1. First get rid of the dog or cat,them bomb the area

  2. a flea bomb and it requires you to be out of your house for a few hours and you can buy it at ant harware store

  3. I agree with the flea bomb; but read the instructions and cover or put away any food stuff even cover cat food and water supply. Even if you have fish make sure that you cover them. Do not set off the flea bomb near any pilot lite.

    When you have the problem solved treat your cat with one of the flea treatments that you get from the vet even if she lives outside. You shouldn't have any more problems.

    I have a cat and two dogs, live inside, and no fleas .

  4. Do what I did. take a spritzer like a windex bottle and mix hald water and half dawn or other dishwashing liquid. Shake it up and not only spray the cat but the whole carpet with it. It kills fleas faster than raid or any other  bug killer and is harmless to your cat and takes care of the problem in a matter of minutes. Keep a mixture under the sink to use for any kind of insect problem. It works awesome and is totally cheap. I like it and actually have fun playing rambo going after bugs. It kills them in a matter of seconds and works so good I go outside to look for more. It may be possible this mixture is affecting me also. have fun

  5. pine soil   get you a spray bottle and spray it on carpets and where ever they are. smells very strong but will go away in a short time.

  6. I read a report that said that you can vacuum the rug (probably want to do it outside) and that the vacuum kills the fleas.  Then wash the rug with a little lysol.  If the infestation is bad, you may use one or more bug bombs in the house.  clean the cats areas it normally likes a lot, and make sure it has a good flea collar.  If the infestation is bad, I recommend calling a professional pest control company.  They can give you an evaluation and offer further solutions.  Some of them give a free checkup or free advice, before having them come in.

  7. I don't know about moth balls, but you can buy a carpet foam just for fleas. Any treatment you use will need to be repeated several times in order to get the fleas after they hatch (it doesn't kill the eggs). Best of luck.

  8. If your going to bomb get one that kills eggs to, also you may have to do it twice to make sure, Same thing happened to me. good luck.

  9. Treat your cat, Frontline works great, then fleabomb your house, and everyone has to be out while that's happening including the animals. When you get home, wash all your bedding and give the entire house a good vacuuming.

  10. If you will get a nite lite-an aluminum pie tin ( or other) put some water in it add regular dish soap. set it under neath the nite lite. Be sure all lights are out in bedroom so it will be dark. Fleas will go to the light and fall in water . They can't get out. You will be amazed at how many fleas you catch. And I promise this does work.A friend had so many fleas, your legs would be peppery. We did the above and after a week like that. no more fleas. Good Luck and God Bless.

  11. forget the moth balls...from the vet, a pet store, or a groomers you can buy an aerosol floor treatment.  Easy to apply and is effective. You spray directly to the floor. It will contain an insecticide that kills the adult fleas along with an insect growth regulator that effects the flea eggs and larvae.  The pupa stage will be protected so you may to re apply in a 7-14 days.  During this time vacuum as much as you want to help stimulate the ones in the pupa stage to emerge.  You will see suggestions on throwing away the vacuum cleaner bag but in 20 years I have never seen a re infestation happen from the bag and studies show the same.

  12. There are things you can buy call "flea bombs"

    You can buy them almost anywhere. You can buy a few, sit them in the center of the main rooms, set them off. It's bettter to do it right beofre you leave to go out for the day...oh and try to treat your cat as well. that way it wont bring them back into the house.

    hope this helped a little..

  13. go get RAID spray for fleas and bugs and spray it directly at your carpet all over and close up your room for an hour or so. come back and vacuum totally. be sure to move furnature around too they hide under the bed.

  14. if you have carpet, it so SOOOOO HARD to get rid of them! Visit this website, they have a ton of great ideas! It worked for me!

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