
How do u get rid of heartache??

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I really need to find a way to get my beautiful girlfriend off my mind, Shes always on my mind and Im not allowed to see her for another 4 years because she lives in California and I live in Canada. What should I do to get rid of this pain?? Its continous pain,never stops. If u know what I mean, We are so close and we love each other soo muchh!




  1. Why get her off your mind? If you love her I would have thought you would want to think of her always, if you love each other so much then one of you should go to the other, Four years thats a joke. She will probably meet someone else before that times expires, and then she will be off your mind for good.  

  2. There's no easy answer for this and there's no quick fix either, love takes a h**l of a long time to get out of your heart, the best thing i could recommend is get out and be active, find something that you have to concentrate really hard on. I hope that helps. good luck.

  3. When you find out let me know. I've been 3 years without my lady and I still miss her sooooooo much....

  4. Here is a way to get her out of yoru mine.  Sorry to break your bubble, but 4 years is a very long time.  She'll already meet some one else and start a family of herself.  You may as well get down on your knees now or she'll be forever out of your life.

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