
How do u get rid of mice?

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I have recently found a mouse in my kitchen cupboard but now it is actually in my living room aswell. I have put down the mouse killer but it doesnt seem to be working, can anyone suggest anything else as my kids are starting to get worried?




  1. I know this might sound very obvious but get a cat. I never had a cat until we moved to a rural area surrounded by farm land and the mice thought we were throwing a house warming, They come in from the fields and woodland so we reluctantly got a cat.

    What a difference. She very seldom catches one in the house but the fact she is around has scared most of them away. If any do come in now they don't last long.  

  2. buy a cat

  3. hi get a cat or trap

  4. get a cat

  5. Here is an article on mouse prevention ans control:

    Hope this helps.

  6. traps.or you could buy a cat.that would keep them away.or if you know someone with a cat you could borrow the cat for like a week.

  7. when buying traps id go for glue traps

    we caught 9 in 2 weeks

    use wire wool to fill any holes they may be coming through

    they dont like wire wool

    keep any food out of reach and make sure you clean up after cooking

  8. Go to your local council, they will give you some rat poison which works quite well.

  9. The very worst 3 things a mouse can do is,make more mice,chew through wires and leave droppings,a mouse will access a space through a hole as small as a pencil,so apart from going around and filling in all holes in the house you can either put down traps and or baited poison,both can be found in any DIY shop like B&Q etc,just look for where the droppings usually are and bait those areas,

  10. Bait mousetraps with either peanut butter or chocolate and place where you have seen them running (usually close to skirting boards)

    move the traps around every few days

    glue traps are good but they don't kill mice

    check all food is in storage tubs and place on shelves (DO NOT put food on bottom shelf where mouse can get at it!)

    clean the kitchen/living room floors so no food crumbs are around to tempt the little pests

    mice are incontinent so be careful if you have small children (that where the cleaning comes in!)

  11. I use something called a "Mice Cube".  It's $1.47 at my local Wal*Mart.  You put some peanut butter on a cracker and put inside of it in the back.  Put it in a dark place near where you see the mice/mouse. They go for the bait and get trapped inside.  You then go far away and set it free.  Rinse, repeat.

  12. Contact your local council if in UK. They have a legal responsibility to provide a riddance service (although some may charge for this).

  13. put moth balls around (or under) your house.  i know this sounds weird, but it really works and it will keep any new ones away and drive out current ones for as long as the moth balls last in the weather (at least several months, we put them under our house in the crawlspace and it lasted for over 2 years).  the steel wool (like buy SOS pads from the kitchen cleanser aisle at the store) stuffed into any holes (where pipes meet walls or corners come together) will keep them out, they can't chew through metal.  i prefer traps to poison because you have no control over where they die if you use poison, but i've used both.  use peanut butter on the traps, it's better than cheese and harder to get off the trap without tripping it.  and you can smear it anywhere on the trap you think would best set it off and catch a critter.  i put it under the metal thing in the center.  there are more ways (safe for kids) if they become more of a problem (i lived in the country and the little things showed up all the time) but if it comes to that, you can email me.

  14. i put out decon and don't have any more trouble with them,,i heard if you put like a coke cap of water beside the decon that when they drink it kills them instantly..they have a reaction from the arsenic,,,

  15. you could get a cat

    i thnk someone should set up a business where you can rent cats...

    like you pay , and they give you a healthy cat for a month, a suitable bed for th cat, and a supply of food for th cat for a month,

    you get  pet cat for a month, and th cat gets rid of your mice

    i suppose there could be a problem with cats running away form th houses and getting lost.

    anyway, maybe the business will take a while gettin up and running, but ask a friend can you borrow there cat.

    mice and cats come out at night, so just leave the cat in the room over night, and maybe put away things form shelves....incase they get knocked off. but cat will get rid of your mouse.

    i dont think its cruel, its not like a trap, its natural, circle of life

  16. buy a cat.

  17. Use a mouse trap and bait it with peanut butter-check it every morning-be diligent and you will get rid of the mice...cats are always a good alternative to traps/poison.

  18. We had some major problems with mice and rats not too long ago.

    Tip: Don't keep birds inside, mice love the seed!

    Use glue traps, they are really cheap, about $2 for a pack of 3 or so, I bought mine from a $2 shop. Put them up away from the kids though, perhaps on a bench right near plate with peanut butter on it, that will do the trick! Leave the mouse on the trap, put in a plastic bag, tie and dispose.

  19. Best thing to rid yourself of mice is believe it or not a ferret/polecat, they also make great pets if handled from very young.

    Good Luck.X :-)

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