
How do u get rid of underarm deodorant stains from white cotton shirts when doing laundry?

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How do u get rid of underarm deodorant stains from white cotton shirts when doing laundry?




  1. i would try diluted bleach or hydrogen peroxide (it breaks down proteins)

    is this a sweat stain? like the yellow kind or the messy white stick. either way, diluted bleach as long as the shirt is white

  2. Just buy some muti-purpose lemon cleaner from 99 cent store. Add about 1/4 with your regular laundry detergent.

    I just did that to my blue blanket with few stains on. I didn't have to use stain remover to remove them.

    I let it soak for about 10 minutes.

  3. make a paste of cascade dish washing soap and rub on to stains. let set overnight, then wash. do not put in dryer as this will set the stain, peroxide will also work, but try the cascade first. it will also brighten the rest of your whites, do not use on colors.  

  4. distain it with old toothbrushes you don't use. that's what i do when i do laundry!

  5. I'd do a long, hot Oxi clean over night. Should take them right off. I do this with old linens and have taken out 25 year old gravy stains on tablecloths before.

  6. keep using bleach in with your laundry

  7. No! Don't use bleach!!

    First figure out if it's a perspiration stain or a deodorant stain. A perspiration stain is yellow or greenish in color and the stained area will have a harder texture to it than the rest of the garment. A deodorant stain will be white or clear and will almost look like a grease stain.

    For deodorant stains, treat it like a grease stain. Soak it with dishwashing liquid for half an hour and then launder. You can also try spraying hairspray directly on the stain and then launder as usual.

    It's most likely a perspiration stain and the WORST thing you can use is bleach because bleach will yellow it. First try soaking it with a detergent that gets rid of protein stains (grass, blood) then wash it.

    If that doesn't work, soak it for an hour in a solution of hydrogen peroxide (1 part water, 1 part peroxide). If that doesn't work, try it again with full strength peroxide.

    If THAT doesn't work, saturate it with the detergent again and let it sit in the sun for a full day. Yes the sun. Keep the area moist throughout the day. Then launder.

    Here's my mom's trick...

    Make a paste with 1 Tablespoon of Cream of Tartar, 3 crushed aspirins (full-strength, ensure that they’re white and have no colored coating), and a cup of warm water. Use an old toothbrush to work the paste into the fabric, and then leave it on for half an hour. Rinse the affected area in warm water until the paste is removed.

    If none of the above work - buy new shirts.  

  8. When I was in the military, I used Arm & Hammer liquid with oxy clean and it took out solid and gel staines.  Just do a hot wash with a cool rinse, and it should work.  Arm & Hammer will get rid of the "boat" smell to, if your boy is navy.  

  9. I use a strong solution of OxyClean and warm water.  I use three scoops of OxyClean either in a sink of warm water or in the presoak cycle of the washer.  I let them soak ahywhere from an hour to overnight.

    To prevent the stains in the first place, wash your whites or pastels the minute you take them off.  If you don't have time to load the washer at least wash them in a sink of water with Woolite or dishwashing liquid.

    The reason you want to do this is that if the clothing is left to sit in the hamper or hung in the closet that is when the sweat, body oil and antiperspirant all start to react with one another and stain the clothes.  Wash them immediately and it won't happen.

    Bleach only reacts with the protein in the perspiration and can turn the stain darker.

    If you have dried the item in the dryer the stain may be more difficult to remove.

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