
How do u get the skin off of a leopard gecko when it is stuck on it?

by  |  earlier

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i feel realy bad for my gecko :(




  1. You need to get him into a bath of warm water up to his armpits, let him soak for about 15 minutes, then gently try to roll the skin off with a q-tip.  

    Then you need to figure out what's going on that caused him not to shed properly.  I'd suggest getting a good digital thermometer with a probe to properly measure the temps on your warm side.  If it's too hot, he's not going to be able to shed properly.  You want those temps to be 88-92 degrees and not hotter.

    Also, you need to make a humid hide for your gecko.  Just get a small tupperware and put some moist paper towels or sphagnum moss in it.    Do not let the skin come off by itself like another poster suggested.  Leos won't pull it off if it didn't come off the first time and you will almost always get necrosis on the toes and lose toes this way.

  2. its nature leave him alone and fill his water dish it will come of soon

  3. Soak your gecko in a shallow bath of warm water. This should loosen the skin enough so that either he can get it off or you can.

  4. Don't do this! The gecko needs to shed by itself, in its own time. If you peel at them, you can damage their skin. They also eat their skin for neutrients, you you need to leave it for it to deal with itself.

    You need to a have a humid hide in the cage at all times. They use this during their shedding. The humidity softens up their skin and makes it easy for them to shed.

    Simply get a plastic container with a lid, like a tuppleware container. Cut a hole somewhere for the gecko to enter. Put in absorbant substrate like moss, or even just paper towel. And mist it about once or twice a day. Keep it on the warm side of the tank. The gecko should use it on its own.

  5. Don't listen to that top contributor,you can soak him in a warm sink of water and rub it off or you can get a squirt bottle and spray him to moisten his skin so it will come off easier

    So Good Luck Hope I Helped A Little

  6. If you don't have one already, make a moss box out of and old container, then cut a hole on the side so it makes a shape like a square, then find some moss, $5 at the most from a pet store, then put slits or very small holes in the lid, then add the moss inside of the container, and get it wet, push it down so it is some what flat. Put your leopard gecko in it so he/she gets used to it, then once they do they will go in it and come off after a while (my gecko did, he had some on his snout) If it does not come off with that (but it should) if has been a few days, take a tweezers, and slowly pull it off, make sure is is lose though. hope this helped, it does for me! Bye the way, you should always have a moss box in the tank!

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