
How do u get the toothpaste taste out of your mouth

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Is there a home remedy or a special way to get that nasty taste out of my mouth after I brush my teeth? Instead of having to wait like an hour and a half to eat or drink anything because everything would have a nasty bitter taste.




  1. I find that eating chocolate gets rid of the taste instantly. But then of course you have chocolate in your teeth, but at least you can eat what you want to eat without having to taste toothpaste.

  2. There are lot of ways to overcome it

    One such way buy mouthwash or mouthfreshner.....

    have eatables which will overcome toothpaste taste......

    try this....    After brushing drink one full glass of water.....

  3. haha, um i don't really know, but you can try sucking on a sugarfree sweet or something. (:

  4. gargle with water after you brush

  5. Do you gargle after you brush your teeth? If you don't like taste of toothpaste, it's a MUST. lol. It makes it much better.

    Then, since you've brushed your teeth, it's best to drink water.

    I also hate the taste of toothpaste and can't go to sleep with it in my mouth. So I always gargle and drink a glass of cold water (or two, if it doesn't fully work).

  6. drink something strong dont take chocolate then you taste toothpaste chocolate yuck! so  dont take any foods because what ever you eat will taste like toothpaste YUCK ewwww

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